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“Road to the Post Season”

By: Tyler Courtney

So far in the first season of the FPBL, things have been up and down, but for the most part pretty good over all. Now that we are over halfway through the season it is time to look ahead to the post season and what it is going to bring for those lucky 8 teams. As of 11/14 some divisions look like they might be wrapped up while some others might go down to the wire. What I am here to do is to tell in my opinion who are the contender’s and who the pretender’s are. Lets start off with the NL East:

Right now Atlanta has a 9 game lead over the Phil’s, which does not bold to well for the Phil’s with the pitching staff that Atlanta has. But it is just not pitching anymore winning games for the Braves, just recently they went out and got 2 very big bats, and somehow they did that without giving up anything major from there major league team. Right now it is going to take a miracle for the Phil’s to get back into this race, they have the bats to do it, but they have to hope that Atlanta gets really cold for awhile, and I just don’t see that happening. Atlanta is going to win this division running away.

Now lets move onto the NL Central where things are a little bit more interesting there. The Cubs, yes that is right, the Cubs are leading this division right now by 7 games over the Pirates. The question is, do they have enough to hold off the Pirates for the rest of the year? I think they will, mainly because the Pirates have close to the worse offense in the NL Central, and no matter how good your pitching, if you don’t have a offense you are not going to win games, and right now they are allowing 10 more runs than they have a scored on the year, and that does not bold well for the Pirates. Hate to say it, but the Cubs may actually win something for once.

Now in the NL West it looks like Colorado and there high scoring offense is going to walk into the playoffs, but the question then will be, do they have enough pitching to do anything in the playoffs. San Fran tried to make a run at the Rockies by adding a lot of pitching, but it looks like they have falling off going just 4-6 in there last 10 games. Looks like this division is not going to be won by the team with the best pitching, but maybe the worst pitching outside of Pedro. In fact the Rockies have allowed more runs scored than any other contender to this point, but on the other hand they have also scored more than any other team. That is what you call the Coor’s effect folks!

Now the WC in the NL looks like it is going to go to the city of brotherly love. Right now they have a 6.5 game lead over the Pirates, and I just don’t see the Pirates having enough hitting to do anything, let alone make the play offs.

Now quickly lets take a look at the MVP and Cy young races in the NL:

Cy Young:

Pedro Martinez – take a look where he is pitching and the numbers he is putting up. There is no question that he should walk away with this award.

Randy Johnson – Another great year for another great pitcher, probably going to come in second in this race though.

Shawn Sedlacek – Putting up unreal numbers for a kid his age and will probably be in many more Cy Young races, but not this one, will finish distant third.


Eric Chavez – Putting up huge numbers, yes they are in Coors field, but he is still putting them up and leading his team into the playoffs.

Jason Lane – Putting up huge numbers in Phily, going to be a good one for a long time for them.

Jeff Nettles – Having a big year for a team that is depending a lot on there pitching staff.



Now lets move onto the AL East where the Yankees are once again just walking away with the division and doing it without any problems at all. There is no question who is going to win this division, heck the Yankees right now have the best record in the entire league, and are looking forward to once again holding that WS Trophy.

In the AL Central it looks like KC is going to pull away from the rest of the pack. It looked like for awhile the WS were going to try to put up a fight, but have fallen near 10 games out of first place with not a lot of time left to go in the season. Looks like KC is going to be making the play offs for the first time in a very long time.

Now in by far the best division in baseball, the AL West, where all 4 teams are still all playing over .500 ball the Texas Rangers took back over first place going 13-2 in there last 15 games and you would think that would put them up a lot in the division, but right now they are only 1.5 games up mainly because Seattle has gone 10-5 in there last 15 games. This division right here is going to be the one to be watching, as both of these teams have been going back and forth leading this division all year long and it does not look like they are going to be stopping anytime soon. They will meet 8 more times before the year is out so this race is far from over. So close nobody can even tell who is going to walk away with this division.

Now lets go to the WC, which is also over with Seattle leading it right now by over 10 games. Who ever does not win the AL West is going to flat out walk away with the WC.

Now lets take a look at the AL CY Young and MVL awards candidates:

Cy Young:

Carlos Hernandez – Having a outstanding season even for pitching in a huge pitchers park. He is leading his team in wins with 15.

Greg Maddux – Yes another outstanding year for Greg, he is leading the Central division leaders to what looks like a first post-season appearance in a long time


Alex Rodriguez – Having an amazing year, and what is more amazing he is doing it in a pitchers park. This man should walk away with the MVP with no troubles at all.

Jason Giambi – What do you expect from this guy, he can do it all, and he is trying to get the Yankees back to the WS and doing a good job of it so far.

Brian Giles – Having another great year, with over 30 HRs 100 runs and 100 Rbi already with 20+ games left

Chipper Jones – Doing it all for TB, but it was not enough with the Yankees in the same division.



Now if the season ended today here is what I would see happening in the post season.

Atlanta vs. Colorado – Pitching would win out and Atlanta would take it in 4 games

Cubs vs. Phily – NL east best NL division and it is going to show with Phil’s taking it in 5

NYY vs. Seattle – This would be most interesting series. Yankees got the experience, Yanks in 5.

Texas vs. KC – KC playing in the weak AL Central is way over its head here. Texas in 4.

Atlanta vs. Phil’s – Have had some very good series this year so far. But I just see the Atlanta pitching staff being to much for the Phil’s to handle. Atlanta moving onto the WS in 7 games.

NYY vs. Texas – Going to be a lot of high scoring contest here, but so far this year Texas has handled the Yankees without much trouble so would take Texas in 6.

Atlanta vs. Texas – First ever FPBL WS, and it is going to be a good one, pitching vs. hitting, who would win, well as much as I hate to say it I really think Atlanta is the team to beat this year and Atlanta’s pitching would hold onto beat the Ranger’s in 7 games.

WS Champions Atlanta Braves……now lets see how it all pans out!