FPBL - Fast Paced Baseball League
FPBL - 2002
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The FPBL Team
  Josh Eich
Deputy Commisioner
  Andrew Campbell
Historical Director
  Christopher Frint
AL Pitchers Agent
  Bill Akin
AL Hitters Agent
NL Pitchers Agent
  Christopher Frint
NL Hitters Agent
  Tyler Courtney
Other High Heat Leagues


Post Draft Day Salaries

  • Teams may not, at any time, exceed their total amount of Cash/Revenue. If they do, they will be notified and they must cut or trade players until they are under their cash limit. If they do not respond, then the commissioner will cut players until the team is under their total cash.
  • At the end of each year, teams will pay all player salaries and luxury taxes (if applicable) with current revenue and cash.
  • At the end of each year, teams will be allowed to keep 25% of all left over cash for the upcoming season.
  • At the beginning of the next season, teams will recieve cash for the following reasons: $10 mil starting trading cash, Revenue ($1 million x total # of previous season Team Wins), luxury taxes (if applicable), playoff rewards, and left over cash from the previous season.
  • There will be a salary cap. Teams will be able to have a team payroll as high as their total Cash/Revenue allows, but if they exceed $100 million with their payroll, they will pay a luxury tax of 15% of their total payroll. The total money will be split between the 5 worst teams at the end of the season. If there is a tie for 5th worst record, both teams will recieve the money. Teams must be prepared to pay luxury taxes at the end of the season. If a team does not have the cash to pay for the fine, they will have it subtracted from the next years Revenue, along with an additional $10 mil fine.
  • The following playoff reward system will be used: Making the LDS gives you $1 mil, making the LCS gives you an additional $2 mil, making the World Series gives you an additional $3 mil, and winning the World Series gives you and additional $2 mil. So if you make the World Series, your playoff reward for the following year is $8 mil.
  • If you cut a player, you are responsible for 25% of his contract, even if he is in the minors.
  • You are responsible for paying contracts of all players who play at least 1 game in the ML. If a player does not play in the ML, he does not lose years on his contract, and you do not have to pay his salary.

  • September Call-Up Rule: All players who are first called up in September during the 40-man expansion will not be counted towards salary, or towards years on their contracts. This will allow teams not in contention to bring up players to get a taste of the Majors. Players called up during this time may not play in the playoffs however.
  • Teams may only trade cash that is excess from the previous season or current season. They may not trade revenue.
  • Players called up from the minors will recieve a standard contract of $200 K/ 3 years if they do not have a contract already.

  • All rookies drafted during the rookie draft will take on a salary. If the player is drafted in the 1st round, the player will recieve $2 million per year for 3 years. If the player is drafted in the 2nd round, the player will recieve $1 million per year for 3 years. If the player is drafted in the 3rd round, the player will recieve $500 K per year for 3 years. All contracts will begin once the player plays his first major league game.

  • A set of 3-5 players will be added each year to the Off-Season Free Agents. These will be created players to stimulate the Free Agent Market.

In-Season Free Agents

  • Free Agents will be bid upon on the message board under the Forum "Free Agents."
  • Any bid that stands 24 hours will be accepted.

  • Bids start at $250 K, and must be increased by at least $250 K until they reach $5 mil. At this time, all bids must be increased by at least $1 mil.
  • Free agents bid on during the season will have contracts of 3 years.
  • A free agent can be sent to any level of a ballclub -- ML, AAA, AA, and A.
  • There is no limit as to the amount of money you may offer aside from the team budget limitations.

Potential Free Agents


  • All Potential Free Agents (PFA) will be posted at the beginning of the season
  • From Opening Day to the End of the Season, any team that wants to resign one of their PFA may privately negotiate with the corresponding agents. Agents are listed on the Side Navigation bar. Example: If Seattle wants to resign Alex Rodriguez, they would contact the AL Hitters Agent with an offer.
  • If players are not resigned by the end of the season, they become Free Agents. They will then be bid on during the off-season.



  • Failing to Submit a Roster: 2 Free passes, 3rd offense = $200 K fine, 4th offense = $400 K fine, 5th offense = $600 K fine, and so on. If a new manager takes over a team, all fines are reset so they don't punish the new managers. All you have to do is submit a quick email stating "no changes"

  • Bidding more money on a Free Agent during the season than the team currently has: $500 K per offense.